Ambassador of The League of Arab States to the UK, Mr Ali Muhsen Hamid, 1.2.05. Mr Hamid is a regular contributor to the media and is active in a number of campaigns for the Palestinian cause. He was born in Yemen and was awarded a BA in Political Science from Cairo University in 1970.
The response of the British people to the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in South East Asia has been overwhelming. What is now important is to ensure that these donations and the money committed to the relief effort by the Government is spent in the most effective way. We believe that the Government should now put a final figure on the amount of money they will make available for the relief and reconstruction efforts and which budgets this money will be taken from. I have also called for the money which has been set aside by the Government to be placed in a ring-fenced fund so that clear plans can be made for investment in the long-term reconstruction of the afflicted areas.
HE Dr Hasan has been Ambassador to the United Kingdom since 2000 having been a Lecturer at the University of Khartoum from 1970-1977 and Associate Professor in Saudi Arabia from 1983-1988 and served as Ambassador to Algeria and Iraq, in 1990-92 and 1993-97 respectively.
His Excellency Béla Szombati, the Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary, Meeting in the House of Commons on Tuesday 27th April 2004. The Chairman, Sir Ron Halstead, welcome His Excellency – a career diplomat – with the comment that Hungary has gone through an interesting period of European History.
Talk about defence and foreign affairs policy at the House of Commons. Was Minister of State for the Armed Forces from 1994-97 and is now Shadow Secretary of State for Defence from 2003.