Get involved

The Conservative Foreign and Commonwealth Council (CFCC) meets regularly in Westminster, for small-group talks with Ambassadors from around the world as well as Parliamentarians and other experts. If you'd like to get involved, we'd love to hear from you.

CFCC is a membership organisation. Becoming a member means that you are entitled to attend events and hear from the world leaders that come and speak to us.

To attend our events, you must be a member.

Membership is £40.00 per annum (or £20 from July to end of year) and please contact the Treasurer for more details .

Please email the Treasurer to confirm your payment and include your surname in the payee reference - these are the bank details:

Lloyds TSB

a/c 00301310
s/c 30-95-74

Membership is via annual subscription, which is due on 1st January of each year.
 Where a subscription is not paid by 1st April, membership shall cease.

We have been affiliated to the Conservative Party; however this is not current.


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